“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.“. Romans 8:14 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 5th Commandment, “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12 KJV. Our passage today speaks of being led by the Spirit of God and being sons of God. Let’s break it down! “Are you afraid?...There is not one who is not afraid at least to some degree. Should we be afraid if we really believed in only One Cause? Of course, we should not. All fear arises from believing in a second cause, which is idolatry. If we really believed there was only one Cause—and that One Cause must be good—then we should have no fear.” (The Ten Commandments: The Master Key to Life). Fear is “Painful emotion marked by alarm; dread; disquiet". Fear is a paralyzer of mental action; it weakens both mind and body. Fear...hides the mighty spiritual forces that are always with us. Blessed are those who deny ignorance and fear and affirm the presence and power of Spirit. (Revealing Word). If we are living with a sense of fear, we are not honoring our father and our mother. The 5th Commandment also has an even deeper meaning. “It involves the acceptance of personal responsibility for your life. What you think and say and do today will have a profound influence on what you will one day become. “Be careful what patterns you form today in thought and act, for it will have much to do with the person you become...” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). How do we overcome fear? We overcome fear with Love. “Love your enemies … that you may be sons of your Father” (Mt. 5: 44). In other words, wherever there is enmity or unforgiveness, love, so that you can get yourself in tune with the creative process of God.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). We are sons of the Father. We have been given free-will. We have dominion (supreme authority) over our thoughts and feelings. Honor your Father-Mother by living with and through the power you have been given. Honor your Father and Mother by being led by the Spirit within. Replace fear with love. Divine Ones, as we do this... we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️