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Be Comforted...

“If my people...shall...pray, and seek my face, and turn...from their...wicked ways; then will I...heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 2nd Beatitude from The Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Our passage today speaks of praying and turning. Let’s break it down! Yesterday we said that man turns to God when he starts to experience adversity (difficulties and misfortune). But, “There is really no need for man to have trouble because if he will only seek God first, the trouble need never come.” (The Sermon on the Mount). “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and (God’s) righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV. “(Man) always has the choice of learning by spiritual unfoldment or of learning by painful experience, and it is his own fault if he makes the latter choice.” (The Sermon on the Mount). We have the power of choice. We make the decision whether we will seek and follow divine guidance or work from our own limited understanding. If we choose our own limited understanding then we may find ourselves experiencing difficulties and misfortunes. But, if we turn to the Presence within us first through prayer and meditation, then our land (consciousness) becomes healthy and we experience the Will of God (goodness). One of the definitions of the word wicked is “causing distress or trouble” (Webster’s). When we do not spend time in quiet prayer and meditation, we can cause ourselves distress and find trouble. We can find ourselves feeling pushed, anxious and out of control. Prayer and meditation keep us centered and peaceful, which is the opposite of distress. Pray, seek the kingdom, turn from your current beliefs that no longer serve you and allow the Spirit within to heal your land (consciousness). Allow the Spirit within to comfort you. Divine Ones... do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow! ❤️🧡💙

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