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Be gentle in the outlet...

“...Your help and gentleness make me great.” 2 SAMUEL 22:36 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and reviewing Gentleness today. Gentleness is being “free from harshness, sternness and violence.” (Webster’s). We can use our gardening tools of denials and affirmations to help us to keep our planting of Gentleness strong. We deny any belief that we cannot practice being the Fruit of Gentleness. Then affirm that we are “gentle unto all men...” 2Timothy 2:24; including ourselves. We must prepare by practicing the Presence daily. “Come ye yourselves apart and rest a while.” Mark 6:31. Come away from the chaos for it’s difficult to be Gentleness if you are agitated. Speak Gentleness for “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue...” Proverbs 18:21. As we call for Gentleness situations will come that will allow us to practice our Fruit. “Every man is an inlet, and may become the outlet, of all there is in God.” (Lessons in Truth). Be gentle in the outlet. Speak words that are gentle and uplifting. Treat yourself and others according to the Golden Rule. “...And a soft and gentle tongue breaks the bone [of resistance]. Proverbs 25:15. We can hush the storms of life to a gentle whisper with Gentleness. Now, don’t forget to nurture our young plants of Love, Peace, Joy and Patient Endurance. Affirm, cultivate them everyday. Divine Ones, allow the Fruits to grow and become stronger. Hold on to them like Jacob in Genesis 32:26 “...I will not let thee go except thou bless me.” Divine Ones, do this and watch... what... happens! Allow the Gentleness of Spirit to make you great! Tomorrow we begin planting Goodness! More tomorrow! 💜💖💜💖

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