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Be Meekness

“The meek will (God) guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Psalms 25:9 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones ! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and reviewing Meekness today. Who are the Meek? “Anyone highly trained to react to all negative stimuli with Love instead of “an eye for an eye.” (Revealing Word). Meekness is a mental attitude...a combination of open-mindedness, Faith in God, and the realization that the Will of God for us is always something joyous.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Since Meekness is a mental attitude we must pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and reactions, which are our responsibilities. “Have this same mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5. This mind is the consciousness of The Christ which is every man’s potential. Our thinking, feelings, words actions and reactions are based on our mental position or attitude. Through changing our mental attitude we obtain salvation. Salvation is based solely on a change in consciousness. (Revealing Word). How do we, how can we change our consciousness? We change by practicing prayer and meditation on a daily basis. Faith in God is necessary. We must ask ourselves what we believe. Do we believe that there is a power greater than ourselves that can lead and guide us? Are we open-minded? Are we openly teachable? “Faith is the foundation of all that man does.” (Revealing Word). “The Meek shall eat and be satisfied...” Psalms 22:26. Are you willing to change what needs to be changed to become a member of The Meek club? Will you continue to serve old attitudes because of fear? Or are you ready to “get thee out of thy country...” Genesis 12:1. Divine Ones come away from what you’ve always done “...unto a new land that I will show you...” Genesis 12:1. Use your tools of denials and affirmations. Nurture the Fruits that we have planted. Have courage and open your mind and heart to the true Will of God for us and experience something joyous! Divine Ones, as we do this we are saved from ourselves. Tomorrow we begin planting Temperance (self control) in our divine garden. More tomorrow! 💙💖💕

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