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Behold Goodness

“Behold therefore the goodness... of God...” Romans 11:22 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) and planting Goodness in our divine garden today. Goodness is “of favorable character or tendency...” (Webster’s). Our passage speaks to the Goodness of God. Let’s break it down! When we think of Goodness we think of good food, good wine, good children and good friends. The question is do we think of ourselves as being good? Or, exhibiting the character of Goodness? Do we look at our character and say it is good? Can we say that we are looked upon favorably by others? Do we look favorably upon ourselves? Let me just say that none of us are perfect. The only one that I hear walked on water was Jesus. Well Peter did too but, that’s another story. We talk about the Goodness of God all the time. You hear folk say “God is good” but, do we understand what that means? The scripture says “behold the goodness of God”. To behold is to see. What are you seeing? Goodness or the opposite? Well take your gardening tools of denials and affirmations. Deny any belief that says Goodness is not appearing in your life. Affirm that you see Goodness everywhere. Goodness is built into our character. We can choose Goodness as we have dominion (supreme authority remember?) over our divine garden. So Divine Ones behold the Goodness of God today and every day! See Goodness! Call forth Goodness! Divine Ones, do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow! 💖💜💖💜

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