“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are starting on the 2nd of the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Let’s break it down! “Mourning or sorrow is not in itself a good thing, for the Will of God is that everyone should experience happiness and joyous success. (Did not) Jesus say “I come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. Nevertheless, trouble and suffering are often extremely useful, because many do not bother to learn the Truth until driven to do so by sorrow and failure.” (The Sermon on the Mount). As long as everything is going well, most do not turn to the power within. Sometimes when things happen we think it’s ok, I got this.” But, do we really? When the going gets tough, the tough get going. 🤔 How about the going does not have to get tough, or, if it does we can travel through with ease and speed. When things happen that are not good when adversity (difficulties, misfortune) hits then we turn to God and start playing let’s make a deal. You know “God if you do this, I’ll do this”. But it’s not the adversities (difficulties, misfortunes) that make us turn. As a matter of fact “it is the desire to be free from the adversity that turns us to God”. (Lessons in Truth). “Sometime, somewhere, every human being must come to himself. Having tired of eating husks, he will “arise and go to my Father” Luke 15:18. How do we come to ourselves and move beyond mourning? By coming to God, by practicing the Presence. “Sooner or later every human being will have to discover the Truth about God, and make his own contact...first hand.” (The Sermon on the Mount). “Each man must sooner or later learn to stand alone with God; nothing else avails (is of use).” Do you stand alone with God? Do you take time to learn of God? Do you take the time to develop your relationship with God? Are you in mourning over your current situations and circumstances? Yes? Then Divine Ones, learn to stand alone with your God. Divine Ones, discover the Truth about God. Make your own contact with God by practicing the Presence. Learn to stand alone with God and be comforted. Divine Ones do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow! 🧡💙🧡