““It shall also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” ISAIAH 65:24 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with “The Game of Life”. Today’s scripture declares that our needs have already been met. Let’s break it down!
Before we call the answer has been given. All that the One Source created IS available. We must declare and make our demands known not for Spirit’s sake but for our own. The Game is based on supply and demand. The supply is there we but must make the demand for the supply. “Infinite Spirit I give thanks that all that is mine by divine right is now released and comes to me in great avalanches of abundance, by grace and in perfect ways.”
To receive largely we must enlarge our expectations. It’s just as easy to ask for millions as it is to ask for thousands. Expand! Expand! Expand! Believe that it is possible to receive in a BIG way. The only thing that gets in the way is us. We may be holding on to beliefs that no longer serve our expanding consciousness. Replace them with new affirmations that speak to the power of possibilities.
“God within is my supply. All channels are open. All conditions are right. I accept my good. I accept all that is mine by divine right which is all that God is. My Source is infinite and my consciousness is ever expanding to this truth. The windows are open and avalanches of good pour out. I give thanks. I have called and it is so. Amen!”
Don’t reason it out. Intellectual thinking does not make it so for then we travel down the rabbit hole asking how it could be possible instead of opening to the belief that it is possible. It’s a process. Ask and don’t turn back no matter how many butterflies flutter in your stomach. Instead of sinking FLY on their wings. When we ask believing we must receive. So Divine Ones it has come to pass. The call was made. The answer is given.
As we know this...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!! More tomorrow!! 💜💜