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Change and be free...

“and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4 NRSV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 2nd Commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images...” Exodus 20:4. Our passage today speaks of changing and becoming as little children. Let’s break it down! Yesterday we talked about the two classes of people in the world. One class requires that every statement made be proved. The other class is willing to “become as little children”. (Lessons in Truth). Children are wonderful because usually things are black and white. It is or it ain’t. They are humble and trusting. They are not arrogant. They are open and receptive. We, on the other hand, sometimes come from the place of idols and graven images. We give power to our level of education. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a degree, the trouble starts when you begin to beat people over the head with it. I know someone who was having a pleasant conversation with a woman in a restaurant. They discovered that they had so much in common. Until one asked the other the question “Where did you go to college, where did you get your degree?” The other said “I don’t have a degree.” The first woman’s attitude changed immediately. She turned her back to the person, ending the conversation. Graven image, a false perception (I have a degree and you do not. I’m better than you). We give power to money. There is nothing wrong with having money, it’s when you begin to beat people over the head with it that the trouble starts. It’s when you feel that you are above everyone who doesn’t have as much as you that the money becomes a graven image. Children don’t care what color you are, what school you went to, the degree that you have or how much money you have. They want to know do you know how to play. “...each man has direct access to all there is in God. We are waiting for the “Little Children” who, without question are willing to accept and try a few simple which they may find the Christ within themselves. (Lessons in Truth). The Truth is “What you acknowledge to be your master, to that you are a servant! This applies not just to things happening around you but to things that are established within you. It means attitudes. It is as if the walls of your house of consciousness are a gallery displaying all of the graven images or idols (false conceptions) that you have formed out of your prejudices and fears and complexes.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). Divine Ones “within us is the possibility of limitless life...but as long as we acknowledge things to be our master (instead of the greater power within)...we are frustrating our own divine potential.” (Breaking the Ten). Divine Ones, become as a little child today. See the limitless possibilities all around you. Begin to break apart the graven images and idols that hold us in bondage. As we do this...we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! 🧡❤️🧡❤️

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