“...choose you this day whom ye will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 2nd Beatitude from The Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Our passage today speaks of Joy, of Joy being made full. Let’s break it down! To mourn is to “express grief or sorrow.” (Webster’s). To comfort is “to give strength and hope to...” (Webster’s). Our thoughts and feelings determine our experiences. (Lessons in Truth). What we focus on determines our experiences. What are we giving focus to? If we don’t like our experiences we can change them by changing our focus. We can practice the Presence. The purpose of abiding in the Presence is to be comforted, (given hope and strength). Things happen and sometimes they are not to our liking. People do and say things that we don’t like. When this happens we feel sorrow, anger, hurt, etc. We talk about what happened over and over and over. We play scenarios in our heads of how we’re going to get even. We demand that they do something to make it up to us. It is at these times that we are in mourning. Being angry, hurt and resentful affects our health, spiritually, mentally and physically. Each time we replay the scenario it takes us right back to the thoughts and feelings of that moment. Remember my sewing machine example? We can feel sorrow (distress and heartache) as we think “How can they treat me that way?” We can feel anger as we think “How dare they treat me that way!” Then we may move on to other emotions that are just as debilitating. At these times we can stop, breathe and change our focus. The person we are focused on has moved on and is usually not focused on us. Do we want to stay in a state of mourning (distress) or move on? We have a choice. We have free-will. Remaining in mourning affects our lives in so many negative ways. “Choose you this day...whom you will serve...”. Or choose you this day what serves you... mourning or comfort... Divine Ones...decide. As we do this...we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! 💜💗💜💗