“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” Romans 14:11 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and planting Long-suffering or patient endurance in our divine garden today. We have been talking about waiting on the Lord. Waiting shows that we have come to ourselves. We have come to ourselves because we have become dissatisfied with the way our life is going. We have become dissatisfied with what is being manifested in our lives and want to experience better. We have come up against adversity. Is it the adversities of life that turn us to God? No, it is our desire to be free from adversity that turns us. (Lessons in Truth). We are ready to experience freedom and like the Prodigal Son, we arise and go unto our Father. “We have arisen...set out on the journey from Egypt (bondage) to the land of liberty (freedom). (Lessons in Truth). We move from our heads to our hearts. We move from depending on people to looking to the Spirit within us. We bow and confess. “Our human consciousness or intellect, comes to a place where it gladly bows to its spiritual self and confesses that the spiritual self...is highest and is Lord.” (Lessons in Truth). Prayer and meditation are key to our journey. Abiding in the Presence calms us, soothes us. Remember the young seedlings we have planted in our divine garden, Love, Peace and Joy. Nurture them with patient endurance. So, Divine Ones, continue the journey, don’t look back. Walk around in your divine garden and see the good work you have done so far. Divine Ones as we do this...we are saved from ourselves. More tomorrow! 💖💜🧡