“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are reviewing the 7th Commandment today, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” “The word adultery is made up of two words, “ad”, meaning “to add” ... and the word “ulter”, meaning “other”. It means to add other or to dilute by adding something else... The act of Adultery involves weakening or adulteration of one’s own self worth.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). We commit adultery when we practice “two-ness”, seeing God AND something else instead of just God. For example love and hate; poverty and prosperity; fear and faith. Judas and Peter could both could be said to have practiced adultery. Judas did not see the spiritual depth in Jesus...and Peter had a moment of clarity (You are the Christ) and then, because of fear, denied knowing Jesus three times. Whenever we see less than the Christ in ourselves and in others we are committing adultery. The crowd wanted to stone the woman caught in the act of adultery but, Jesus called them out “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” John 8:7. At this the crowd dropped their rocks. When we judge ourselves and others as being less than the Truth of our being, we are committing adultery. “Judgement has two purposes, drawing upon Spirit for guidance and drawing conclusions.” (Twelve Gifts). The way to draw conclusions based on Truth is to draw upon the Spirit for guidance through Practicing the Presence daily. The 7th Commandment could be stated in this way “You shall not commit adultery.” You shall not adulterate reality by judging by appearances, and thus...adding on something other than the Truth. You shall not pollute that which is pure and holy by seeing in a mirror darkly.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). To commit means to “send forth”. “Commitment takes place in the mind as an attitude (mental position).” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). We should ask ourselves what are we sending forth? What are we committed to or committing to? What is our attitude or mental position?When we commit to Practicing the Presence, we hear a word...”...this is the way, walk ye in it.” As we listen and walk in our commitment to seek spiritual guidance, we are never steered wrong. We should never tell half-truths or exaggerate for this is committing adultery. We should always strive to see the good in ourselves and in others. We should always strive to walk the path of Truth. This is the way, walk ye in it! Divine Ones, as we do this, we are saved from ourselves! Tomorrow we begin working with the 8th Commandment, “Thou shalt not steal.” Exodus 20:15. More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️