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The Secret Door of Faith

“...According to your faith be it unto you.” Matthew 9:29 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we continue our journey with “The Secret Door to Success”. Our passage today deals with Faith. Let’s break it down!

Faith is defined as “something that is believed especially with strong conviction.” (Webster’s). Hebrews 11:1 describes Faith as “the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” In order to get through the secret door we have to decide what do we have strong convictions or belief in. What is it that we hope for? Faith is expectancy. What are we expecting? We often hear people say things like “If it ain’t one thing it’s another” which gives the impression that they are expecting one bad thing and then another to happen. Why not change it to “It’s not one good thing it’s several...”. Change the expectations and change the situations.

As we expect good, good occurs. Hope for the best always. Then act as if it is so. Feel as if it is so. Give thanks and praise that it is so. If you don’t feel it right away do something to change your mind. Try playing your favorite music and singing out loud to change your mood. Say “Today is the day. Now is the appointed time for my good right now! Wonderful and unexpected blessings pour into my life in avalanches of abundance! I expect great things to happen now!”

Divine Ones as we do this...we expect greatness, we expect the best and ...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! ❤️💕

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