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Dwell and know...

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Psalms 91:1 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 3rd Commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Exodus 20:7. Our passage today speaks of dwelling in the Secret Place. Let’s break it down! “There is nothing the human heart so longs for, so cries out after, as to know God, "whom to know aright is life eternal." (Lessons in Truth). There is a restlessness that fills the hearts of many people today. Some think that the feeling can be resolved by acquiring more and more things. The things do not satisfy. “...there is a deep and awful homesickness that never has been and never can be satisfied with anything less than a clear, vivid consciousness of the indwelling presence of God, our Father.” (Lessons in Truth). This clear and vivid consciousness is to be found in the Secret Place of the Most High. Why is it the Secret Place? “It is a secret place because it is a place of meeting between the Christ at the center of your being, and your consciousness--a hidden place into which no outside person can either induct you or enter himself.” (Lessons in Truth). In order to change your idea of God, you must get to know God better, develop a closer, deeper relationship with the One. This closer relationship will expand your awareness of the One that is active and operative in your life now. As you develop a deeper awareness then you will come to “believe that God is spirit, and think what spirit means, and if you believe God is love, and intelligence and life, and wisdom, and think what these things mean, and really believe it, you will get the result of that kind of God.” (The Ten Commandments: The Master Key to Life). As your idea of God changes those changes will be reflected in your thoughts and feelings and experiences. As you dwell in the Secret Place you will understand why you are where you are. You will stop taking the name of the Lord in vain. So Divine Ones, take time to dwell in the Secret Place and see the salvation of the Lord. As we do this... well then, we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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