“He who has clean hands and a pure heart...He shall receive a blessing from the Lord...” PSALM 24:4-5 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with the power of Elimination and Renunciation. Our scripture today says that having clean hands and a pure heart brings blessings. Let’s break it down.
As we move to a new way of thinking about the power within us, old thoughts and feelings are shaken up and come to the surface and can cause us to fear change. The old thoughts and feelings have lived in our consciousness for a while and don’t give up easily.
Moving to a new and different level of consciousness, of awareness is like moving to a new house. We sort through the things that we have accumulated and purge what we no longer need or want to take with us. Some things are easier to let go of than others and we try to justify keeping that old coffee pot that looks good but no longer works. We say “I’ll take the time and repair it” but we know we will not. We should toss it into the pile labeled THROW AWAY. The same is true of old ways of thinking. Throw away, remove, refuse to hold on to old ways of thinking and feeling in order to make way for the newness on the horizon.
Through Elimination we embark on a program of mental cleanup. We throw away hate, fear, limited thinking, resentments, selfishness, any thoughts that hold us back from having clean hands (clear vision) and being pure of heart (knowing the Truth of who we are).
Divine Ones Practicing the Presence daily helps us to sort through the stuff and move forward to clean hands and a pure heart. Let’s Eliminate what does not serve us from our thoughts through communing with the God Presence within. As we do this...Divine Ones...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!