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Empty yourself...

“For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man [who places his faith in wealth or status] to enter the kingdom of God.” LUKE 18:25 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. The first Beatitude talks about the “poor in spirit”. Yesterday it was explained that “poor in spirit” does not mean “poor-spirited but to have emptied yourself of self will...willing to set aside present habits of thought, present views, prejudices, anything that stands in the way of your finding God.” (The Sermon on the Mount). There is a sad story in scripture of The Rich Young Man. “A certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher ...what shall I do to inherit eternal life [that is, eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]?” LUKE 18:18 AMP. Jesus reminded him of the commandments and then said “You still lack one thing; sell everything that you have and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have [abundant] treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me [becoming My disciple, believing and trusting in Me and walking the same path of life that I walk].”” LUKE 18:22 AMP. The Rich Young Man was wealthy, had great possessions, and did not want to give up everything. Wealth, money is not the real issue. Nothing wrong with having money or being wealthy. The problem is when our possessions have us instead of us having them. He was not willing to change his point of view. “This is really the story of mankind in general. ...Because we have great possessions in the way of preconceived ideas, confidence in our own judgments, habits of life that we are not willing to renounce.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Remember our Fruits. We must be The Meek and be openly teachable, open to change. How is this accomplished? Through prayer and meditation. Through spending time developing our relationship with God. We still have our tools of denials and affirmations. Deny any belief that says you cannot release old thoughts, old feelings, old words for new ones. Have things but don’t let the things have you. Divine Ones...poor in spirit is being humble and great. Remember the primary cause of suffering is forgetting our divine nature. The secondary cause is wrong thinking and an unwillingness to change. Be willing to upgrade your thoughts and feelings and words. Be willing to change. The poor in spirit are open to change. Divine Ones change is good. As we become willing to change...well...we are saved from ourselves!!! More tomorrow!❤️🧡💙

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