“...If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.”
Luke 17:6 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and reviewing Faith today. Faith is “the perceiving power of the mind linked with the ability to shape substance.” (Revealing Word). Faith is a “magnetic power that draws to us our heart’s desires.” Mustard seed Faith is a powerful thing, for as our passage says, with it you can uproot trees. There are two types of Faith, Blind Faith and Understanding Faith. “Blind Faith is “instinctive” and Understanding Faith is based on the knowledge of Truth.” (Revealing Word). We can work by trial and error or we can increase our knowledge and awareness of Faith and work from Principle. “Faith is your ability to say yes to God. It is your affirmative power.” (Twelve Gifts). With Faith we can “call things that are not as though they are” (Romans 4:17) through the power of Imagination. Imagination is the power to shape and form thought. We form the image and if faithfully held, it will come to pass. This is why we must use our tools of denials and affirmations constantly. Deny any belief (inner acceptance of an idea as true - (Revealing Word) that does not line up so Truth. Then positively affirm that you have the Faith of a grain of mustard seed and can uproot trees and move mountains. Practicing the Presence daily helps one practice Faith thinking. We must practice and practice because the Law of Mind Action (like attracts like) is always operating and we want to make sure that our thinking is drawing what we want. Remember you have been blessed with the power of choice. You have dominion (supreme authority) over your thoughts and feelings. Exercise your supreme authority! Continue to nurture the Fruits we have planted so far, Love, Joy, Peace, Patient Endurance, Gentleness and Goodness. Divine Ones flex your Faith muscle. Expand your awareness. Keep nurturing and cultivating your divine garden. As we work with the Fruits, as we exercise supreme authority (dominion) over our thoughts and feelings....well, we are saved from ourselves! Tomorrow we begin planting, my personal favorite, Meekness! More tomorrow! 💖💖💖💖