“Blessed [anticipating God’s presence, spiritually mature] are the pure in heart...for they will see God.” MATTHEW 5:8 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 6th Beatitude, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8. Our passage today is from the Amplified Bible. Let’s break it down! Today we are still looking at what it means “to see”. “We live in God’s world...but because we are lacking in spiritual perception, we are unable to recognize it...we are unable to experience it (as we could). God is Divine Mind and in that Mind, there are no limitations or restrictions at all...(in) the realm of Spirit...is a realm of eternal good; yet to our distorted vision, everything is aging, decaying, wearing out...” We are (like a) color-blind man in a beautiful flower garden. All around him are glorious colors; but he is quite unaware of them and sees only blacks, whites, grays. Thus limitation in us is known as the “The Fall of Man”, and it arises from our using our free-will in opposition to the Will of God.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Our job is to overcome (deal with the (seeming) problems of life in spiritual understanding and demonstrating over error through the keeping of spiritual laws) these self-imposed limitations. “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 KJV. Judge not by what we “see” with our physical eyes but “reach the point where we can know things as they really are— experience Heaven as it really is. That is what is meant by “seeing God”... To see God is to apprehend (understand) Truth as it really is... this is infinite freedom and perfect bliss.” (The Sermon on the Mount). We must become spiritually mature. How do we accomplish this? Through prayer and meditation and listening for the still small voice of God. What we think about determines what we “see”. What we see determines our behavior. Divine Ones we must clear our vision. Divine Ones we must become spiritually mature. Divine Ones we must understand Truth as it really is. As we change our thinking we change how we “see”. Divine Ones as we do this... we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! 🧡🧡🧡🧡