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Game Proven

“...prove me now herewith, saith the Lord...if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Malachi 3:10 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with “The Game of Life”. Our scripture indicates that we are here to bear witness to the divine power within. Let’s break it down!

We are here to lead happy and successful lives. We are here to prove that indeed the windows of heaven are open and blessings are there for us to receive if we can only believe. What blessings you say? Well whatever we can imagine. Whatever we can imagine is possible is possible. Move on that thought. Think about your goals and dreams. Spend time seeing yourself achieving them. Feel how it will feel when they come to life.

Open the windows of your mind and allow the mighty wind of change to blow away anything that does not align with your vision. Repeat the following, “Thy will be done this day. Today is a day of completion. I give thanks for this perfect day. Miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease.” (The Game of Life). Then we go forth into our day with the windows open proving that miracles follow miracles and wonders never cease.

Let’s try it shall we? Divine we do this...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow!! 💜💗💜💗😊

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