“The meek will (God) guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Psalms 25:9 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! we are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and planting Meekness in our divine garden today. Our passage speaks of God guiding and teaching The Meek. Let’s break it down! Yesterday we said that Meekness is a mental attitude (a mental position - Revealing Word). The one practicing Meekness “is one who does NOT give “an eye for an eye” but reacts with Love. (Revealing Word). In order to change our mental attitude we must pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and reactions which ARE our responsibility. Remember, we have the power of choice. “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5. How do we change our mental attitude, our mental position? One way is through prayer. Prayer is “communion between God and man. This communion takes place in the innermost part of man’s being.” (Revealing Word). Take time, make time to commune with the Spirit within. Take time to be still. Then we must watch our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and reactions. It’s not what people do, it’s how we react to what they do. Our reactions are based on our mental position or attitude. For example, if you’re having a good day then your thoughts are good, you’re feeling good. If you’re having a bad day your thoughts and feelings are not so good. Your attitude is not good, therefore your actions and reactions are not good. I’ve heard people say something unkind to someone and then follow it up with “God knows my heart.” Yeah, but do you know your heart? The heart represents the subconscious mind. The unkind thoughts that are there can play out in ways that hurt us and cause hurt to others. If you’re experiencing the results of a bad mental attitude, change it. If you want to experience good your attitude must be good. Stop sending out scud missiles and expecting candy and flowers in return. Meekness is an attitude of mind. It’s not being a pushover it is being strong and responsible. So Divine Ones, practice being Meekness today. Let’s remember the Fruits we have planted and use them to have an attitude of Goodness and Gentleness. Divine Ones allow God to guide you and show you God’s way. Divine Ones, as we do this, we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! 💜💙💛