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I am a Peacemaker

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 7th Beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9. Our passage today speaks of the peace of God that passes all understanding. Let’s break it down! We said yesterday that a peacemaker is One who has the ability to say “peace” to the turbulent waves of thought and have them obey.” (Revealing Word). “The great essential for success in prayer... is that we first attain some degree of true peace of mind. This true, interior soul-peace was known to the mystics as serenity...the grand passport to the Presence of God. only to be had by prayer, forgiving others and forgiving ourselves. Serenity you must have before you can make any true spiritual progress.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Serenity is defined as “inner calm”. Are you experiencing a sense of inner calm Divine Ones? “Man is what he thinks about all day long” (Emerson). Are you paying attention to what you’re thinking about all day long? Are you thinking about the next good thing or the next bad thing? Are you thinking about what’s going right or what’s going wrong? Are you thinking thoughts of peace or disharmony? Our passage speaks of the peace that passes all understanding, really all human understanding. If we are what we think about all day long do you think we should examine and fine tune our thinking? Check out your dominant thoughts. Check out your feelings. What are you seeing in your life? If we are not practicing the Presence daily, we are being guided solely by our intellect and not the peaceful Presence within. “The Intellect is not wise. Wisdom is not its office...” (Revealing Word). “Intellect argues. Spirit...reveals Truth to man. One may be true (Intellect), the other is always true (Spirit). Spirit does not give opinions about Truth: it is Truth.” (Lessons in Truth). Our dominant thoughts and feelings become our reality. It is better to think peace and experience peace than to think about disharmony and experience the fruit of those thoughts. We are the Peacemakers. Affirm “I am a Peacemaker. At the center of my being is peace. The thoughts that I think, the feelings that I feel, the words that I speak...all align with peace. I am a Peacemaker. As I think peacefully I draw peaceful experiences. I watch what I think about and choose to think thoughts of peace all day long. I am a Peacemaker! I rejoice and give thanks that this is so! Amen, Amen and amen!” Divine Ones...think peace today and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall be with you! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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