“...and do not devise or even imagine evil in your hearts...” ZECHARIAH 7:10 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with our power of Imagination. The scripture used today speaks of not imagining evil in our hearts. Let’s break it down.
The heart represents our feeling nature or our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the “storehouse of our past thoughts and experiences...” (Revealing Word). In our subconscious mind are the memories of past successes and past failures. Why is this important? Well let’s say you desire to start a new business. You’re excited about it. You see it working and being hugely successful. At first. At some point something may not work as planned. Someone says they will buy your product, for example, and they don’t. Or they postpone. You were counting on this sale. You had it in the bag but, the bag bursts or deflates. Now you’re not feeling as excited anymore you feel let down. You start to remember when you tried to start a new business in the past. You remember that THAT didn’t work out either. You begin to see not a picture of success but one of possible failure.
Now is NOT the time to get caught up in the past. Let the past STAY in the past! NOW is the time to stay focused on the image of success. Now is the time to look up from the place where you are now and get a better perspective. One sale is not the issue. The issue is holding on to your vision of success. See past the the past. See into the future. See the land, the new land. Don’t imagine evil, “that which is not part of God...” (Revealing Word). Imagination gives us the power to shape our world, to see a new vision. The choice is ours. Remember the promise to Abram... all the land that you SEE, I will give to you...
So Divine Ones, write the vision, make it plain, run with it to the finish line. Do not imagine evil...image success. See the end result as good and very good! Don’t try to devise a new plan. Remain steadfast to the one that you have. See it through! As we do this, WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💗💗❤️💕