“...They speak a vision of their own mind and imagination...” JEREMIAH 23:16 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey through the power of Imagination. Imagination is the power that gives shape and form to our desires. Let’s break it down.
Everything begins as an idea in our minds. The chairs we sit on, the house that we live in, the clothes that we wear, were first an image in someone’s mind. This image was held in mind and nurtured. The image was then transferred to a drawing on paper or to a computer to be shared with others and then it was brought into manifestation, made into the item the chair, the house, the clothes. We use our power of Imagination to bring from the invisible (mind) to the visible world the desires of our hearts. In order to do this we must have a clear vision or picture of what we want. Make it BIG! It’s just as easy to image something miraculously huge as it is to have a vision of something small. Instead of a thousand dollars why not a million?
Now, our minds are like fertile soil in a garden. If our vision is not nurtured and cared for on a regular basis, it can be strangled and choked out by weeds. What weeds you say? The weeds of doubt, fear, lack, limitations, insecurity, etc. Dreams are desires. Desires are our longings or hopes. What do you hope for? Once we determine what it is that we want, we must write it down. “...Write the vision, and engrave it plainly on tablets so that the one who reads it will run. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. It hurries toward the goal of fulfillment; it will not fail. Habakkuk 2:2,3 AMP. The only way it will fail is if we are not persistent in holding our vision through the power of our Imagination. See your desires come to life.
Make the picture detailed and put yourself in it. Don’t, don’t get caught up in HOW they will manifest. That is usually where we go wrong. Visualize the end result. For example if your desire is for a new car, put yourself in the vision driving the car. Feel it, smell the new car smell. See your smiling face as you wave to people as you pass by lol 😂. To help you to “see better” go and test drive the car of your choice. Write down the specifics of your desire.
Your assignment for today is to decide. Write the vision; make it plain! As we do this Divine Ones...our vision begins to hurry toward us and WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗