“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are starting with the 3rd Beatitude, “Blessed are the Meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”. Let’s break it down! First, let us take a look at the words earth and Meek (these should be familiar to you 😊). “... the word earth in the Bible...means manifestation. Manifestation or expression is the result of a cause. All causation is mental...your body and all affairs; your home, your business, all your experiences, are the manifestation of your mental states. To inherit the earth means to have dominion (supreme authority) over that outer experience.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Deep huh? Deep and true. Now in order to have dominion (supreme authority) over our earth, we must behave in a certain way. That way is Meekness (remember be The Meek). “The word Meek in the Bible is a mental attitude. It is a combination of open-mindedness, Faith in God, and the realization that the Will of God for us is always something joyous...”. (The Sermon on the Mount). Is it coming back to you? Meekness is one of our Fruits. The attitude of Meekness is “the key to dominion or success in demonstration. If we desire to inherit the earth we must acquire this (attitude of) “Meekness”.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Does that tie it together do you? It certainly does for me. Divine Ones how do we inherit the earth? How do we demonstrate Meekness? We inherit our earth and demonstrate Meekness by changing our mental attitude, our mental position. How do we change our mental position? We change our mental position through prayer and meditation. We change our mental position or attitude by using our cleansing tools of denials and affirmations. Divine Ones think on these things today. This is our second round of Meekness. Have you been nurturing your Fruits? Divine Ones check out your earth today. Are you manifesting your desired earth? Are you part of The Meek club? This is another chance for membership. Think about it! More tomorrow! 🧡💗💜