“...the Lord, the Judge be judge this day...”. Judges 11:27 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today let’s review our power of Judgement.
Judgement is defined as “the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing.” (Websters). “Judgement has two functions, (operates in two ways) guidance based on Spiritual understanding and conclusion making (based on the spiritual guidance received) (Twelve Gifts). We use our power of Judgement to discern, separate the facts; to evaluate or assign value to the facts; then we make a decision. Judgment has rapid-fire action meaning our judgments happen quickly. The effect on our consciousness is also quickly felt. We improve in making good judgements through practicing the presence, spending time daily in prayer and meditation. As we still ourselves to Spirit, we begin to hear the voice of Intuition at a higher level of awareness and follow it more.
Our powers or faculties work together. Divine Wisdom operates as Spiritual Intuition, our SGS or Spiritual Guidance System, the yes or no feelings. Then we use our power of Faith to rely on or trust our good judgments. We use our power of Strength to stick to our good judgments. So Divine Ones, “let the Lord, THE Judge, be judge this day”. Judges 11:27. Meaning allow the Truth of who we are, the Spirit within, to be the Judge. We are to Judge not according to the appearance or based on what we see with our physical eyes but, judge righteous judgment, based on Truth, or spiritual guidance. Make a choice today to Allow the Truth to set us free by deciding to spend time abiding in the presence of God everyday. Quiet time, stopping the world, going aside to listen. Divine Ones, as we do this WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! Tomorrow we begin a journey with our power of Imagination! 💕💗❤️