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Meditation...Let's Break it Down

Updated: Jul 15, 2018

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our discussion on meditation. So let’s break it down. Meditation is defined in Webster’s as “To engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of Spiritual awareness.” For example saying to yourself while you are sitting quietly focusing on your breathing, “I’m breathing in” and then “I’m breathing out”.

The purpose of meditation is to obtain a heightened sense of (increased) spiritual awareness. There is a power within us, that is always there, always available. “The Power is within us...within our consciousness, and through meditation we permit it to...act on the without and become the savior to our experience.” (The Art of Meditation). We do not take our problems into meditation because what we focus on becomes stronger in our experiences. We can start from a sense of peace. If you’re not feeling peaceful ask to experience peace right now. “Ask, and it shall be given you...” Matthew 7:7.

Ask for Peace...

We operate under spiritual laws and these laws are just as exact as physical laws. “The law indicates that what you think you create; what you feel, you attract; and what you imagine you become. All laws are impersonal and are no respecter of persons, and this same truth applies to your mind.” (Telepsychics, Joseph Murphy). So Divine Ones as we have been saying let us be transformed by by the renewing of our minds. Let us operate within the law and think only about what we want to bring about. Ask for peace and operate from a sense of peace so that we bring into our experience peace, peace and more PEACE!

So Divine Ones, say it with me! I practice the presence daily through meditation. I ask for peace, peace and more peace. I am renewing my mind each day and only thinking about what I want to bring about. As I meditate on good I AM SAVED FROM MYSELF! More tomorrow! 💕❤️💖

“And the peace of God (that peace that reassures the heart, that peace which surpasses all (human) yours...” Philippians 4:7 AMP

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