“.,. nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and planting Meekness in our divine garden today. Our passage speaks to the will of God. Meekness is knowing that the “will of God for us is always something joyous...” (Sermon on the Mount). What is God’s will for us? “God’s will is always perfection and all good ...perfect health in mind and body; abundance of every good thing including joy, peace, wisdom... The belief that God wills both good and evil is false.” (Revealing Word). We must be willing to choose Willingness over Willfulness. Thy will not my will. “The Meek state of mind “also includes a perfect willingness to allow this Will of God to come about in whatever way Divine Wisdom considers best...” (The Sermon on the Mount). The Meek believe in God, they eat and are satisfied, they have made a choice to be Willing and not Willful. “Willingness takes into consideration spiritual laws. This is the key to living joyously, happily and peacefully. Willfulness on the other hand is looking at the outer world, not working from guidance from within. Being willful is operating from a consciousness of fear. It takes great courage to be Willing toward God and be led from within. (Twelve Gifts). “The Meek shall inherit the earth. “The earth means the whole of your outer experiences. To inherit the earth means to have dominion (supreme authority) over outer experiences ...” (The Sermon on the Mount). Divine Ones, The Meek have the right mental attitude, and expect good and very good only. The Meek operate from a consciousness of being Willing and not Willful. Have courage and open your mind and heart to the true Will of God for us, GOOD PERIOD! Become Willing and not Willful. Divine Ones don’t forget to nurture the other Fruits in your divine garden. Practice Meekness...Be Meek...do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow!💕💖💙