“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:...”. Genesis 12:1 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are still planting Love in our divine garden. Our passage speaks of moving from one land to another. Land represents consciousness. So let’s break it down! This can be reworded to move from your current level of consciousness to the level that I’m taking you to. So, What land are you residing in when it comes to Love? What do you believe Love is? How do we plant Love in our divine garden? We plant Love by focusing on or affirming thoughts of Love and denying anything that is the opposite. We plant Love by moving from our current consciousness of Love into a new great level. How do we do this? We have divine tools called Affirmations and Denials that help us to accomplish this. Today we will work with the tool of Denials. “A denial is the erasing, cleansing, and releasing from consciousness ALL beliefs, thoughts and concepts contrary to Truth.” (Lessons in Truth). Notice it says ALL beliefs. Do you believe that Love harmonizes? Do you believe that Love “adjusts misunderstandings...?” Revealing Word). Do you believe that it is possible to Love and be loved? What have been your experiences regarding Love? Check your thoughts about Love and if they are not the Truth, then deny or erase the false beliefs “to make way for the planting of the seeds of Truth that will bring to us an ever increasing supply of good. (Revealing Word). Deny the belief that nobody loves you. Deny the belief that Love is not possible for you. God is Love! Love is God! We are made in the image likeness of God. Sooooo what is true of God is true of us. Anything to the contrary is not true. We are told to “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”John 7:24
Judge by the Truth. So Divine Ones...check your beliefs about Love. Make sure you are planting the Love and not false beliefs about Love. Erase false beliefs. As you do this, just watch...what...happens! More tomorrow! 💜💖💜💖