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Not my will but thine...

“...not My will, but [always] Yours be done.” LUKE 22:42 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 1st of the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. Our passage today speaks of my will versus Thy will. Let’s break it down! “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3. We have said that being poor in spirit is not being poor-spirited, it is being willing to set aside present habits and attitudes that stand in the way of our finding God. Giving up self-will for Thy will. How do we give up self-will for Thy will? First, we must understand God’s Will. “God’s will is always perfect and all good for all...perfect health in mind and body; abundance of every good thing including joy, peace, wisdom and eternal life. God does not will suffering or imperfection in any form.” (Revealing Word). If we are experiencing anything other than good it is not God Willing it upon us. “The belief that God wills both good and evil is false; God is all good...” (Revealing Word). The belief that God wills both good and evil causes us to feel a sense of separation from Spirit. How do we change our thoughts and feelings of separation? We change our thoughts and feelings through prayer and meditation. We change by using our tools of denials and affirmations. Deny any thought or feeling that you are being punished by God. You are not! Affirm that God wills only good and very good for your life, world, and affairs. Period! God is the same ALL OF THE TIME! Good and good only. Allow the Will of God, good, to be made manifest in your life. “Not my will but thy will be done.” This is step one. Next, we will discuss the kingdom of heaven. Divine Ones as we allow good and very good, which is the Will of manifest...well...we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! 🧡❤️💙

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