“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we begin a new journey with The Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount. The first Beatitude talks about the poor in spirit and the kingdom of heaven. Let’s break it down! The Bible is a manual for the growth of the soul... Common terms are used differently in the Bible than in everyday life. For example, the word bread in the Bible means not merely physical food ...but all things that man requires food, shelter, clothing, etc. “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11) (The Sermon on the Mount). To be poor in spirit... does not mean to be poor-spirited, but to have emptied yourself ...of self will... to be willing to set aside present habits of thought, present views, prejudices...anything that stands in the way of your finding God. (The Sermon on the Mount). “Put off thy shoes from off your feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5. Feet represent Understanding. In other words remove anything that stands between you and your finding God, anything that stands in the way of your understanding of God and anything that stands in the way of your understanding your relationship with God. That’s a tall order, right? Oh I know you say that it’s not, but it most certainly is. It’s a tall order because we have lived with certain notions for quite some time. In order to become the poor in spirit we must change the way that we think, feel and speak. “Our habits of thought, our judgments keep us locked, chained to the rock of suffering.” (The Sermon on the Mount). What is the primary cause of suffering? Forgetfulness of our divine nature as an offspring of God. “(Lessons in Truth). In order to unlock the chains of suffering, we must make some changes. You know there is also a secondary cause of suffering. The secondary cause of suffering is wrong thinking and an unwillingness to change.” (Lessons in Truth). Divine Ones we must begin to think rightly. Divine Ones we must change. We must watch our thoughts, our feelings and our words making sure that they line up with the Truth that we say we believe. Divine Ones, “Take off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon you stand is holy ground.” As we do this, we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow!!❤️💙🧡