“If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up.” Job 33:5 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with the power of Order. The scripture tells us to set our words in order. Let’s break it down.
Words have power. Our words have mega power. Our words must agree with what we SAY we want. Our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and reactions should agree with our vision, our plan. For example, we may say that we want to experience prosperity but then we talk about and focus on what we don’t have. You see something you want but say “I can’t buy that” or “I can’t afford that”. Well maybe it’s not in our budget right noooowwww but it can be. So Order your words to agree with the feeling of being prosperous and not poor. When you shop for groceries do you think “Well I can only get so much” or do you say “I have enough to get what I need”?
Our dominant thoughts produce feelings and our feelings produce a vibration or energy. We draw to us those experiences that match the vibrations of our thoughts, words and feelings. Yes, really, we do. So here’s a way that we can uplift, empower and transform our thoughts, feelings and words. Yesterday we talked about creating an action plan. First think about what you want. Get clear about what you want. If you’re starting a business for example, how will it look as you expect and experience success. Create the picture in your mind of what a successful business owner is for you. Feel the excitement, feel the joy, feel the unlimited power of success. Now hold on to those feelings. Speak from this level. “I AM a successful business owner. I have the freedom to create my own schedule, to be available for my family and be joyously happy.” Or whatever success means for you.
Pay close attention to your thoughts , feelings and the words that you speak. Order your words to affirm and not destroy. Order your words to uplift and empower your plan, your vision, your success. Order your words to renew your mind and then be transformed. What would you love for your life to be? Order your words to create what you want. Declare what you want. Remember when we declare, it is established. Our words do not return to us void. They establish what we declare.
So Divine Ones Order your words to establish what you want. As we Order our words, our thoughts and our feelings Divine Ones WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! Tomorrow we begin a journey with our power of Zeal. 💖❤️💕