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Peace Be With You

“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]”

JOHN 14:27 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! Here are affirmations for planting Peace in our divine garden.

“I allow the divine Peace that is within me to awaken. I focus my thoughts on peace and that Peace of God that reassures the heart is mine. This peace stands guard over my heart and I rest. I know that as I immerse myself in this Peace all is well.”

“In all my ways I acknowledge the Presence and Peace within me. I know that as I do this my way is made smooth, joyous and successful. The Presence and Peace within me does not grow weary. I peacefully move through my day.”

“As I peacefully walk by faith and not by sight, I allow the true light of peace to shine and I can see beyond what my physical eyes show me. I see through the eyes of one who believes that all things, always are possible. I know that the place where I stand is holy ground, peaceful ground. I choose to serve Truth. I choose the Truth of who I really am. I am one who is made in the image and after the likeness of an invisible, invincible God.”

“The Lord in the midst of me is mighty! The Peace of God in the midst of me is mighty.”

“I am strong and courageous! I possess the land (consciousness ) that the Lord (Law) giveth me. I dwell there in peace and tranquility. My eyes are opened and I see wondrous things.”

“I acquaint myself daily with my omnipresent, omnipotent source of peace and Light shines upon my ways.”

More tomorrow!💕❤️💖

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