“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you...[Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance...] JOHN 14:27 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and have been planting Peace in our divine garden. Peace is harmony (internal calm) and tranquility (freedom from agitation) derived from an awareness of the Christ consciousness...” (Revealing Word). The Christ is our “divine potential, the LIVING principle working in man.” (Revealing Word). We become peaceful through practicing the Presence, abiding in the Presence of God. Through abiding we allow Peace to be demonstrated in and throughout our lives. Deny any belief that causes you to think that you cannot experience Peace. Affirm the Peace of the One is your natural state. “Steadfast affirmations of peace will harmonize...mind and body.” (Revealing Word) We have dominion over our thoughts and feelings and can choose to dwell on Peace. “Man is what he thinks about all day long.” (Emerson). What are you thinking about all day long? If you are not peaceful then affirm “The Peace of God is in the midst of me.” Allow the peace of God to rule your heats through prayer and meditation. “Choose you this day...” Joshua 23:15. “We go apart into the stillness of Divine Presence and...come forth into the world...with new inspiration and increased courage...new power...” (Lessons in Truth). New power to steadfastly affirm Peace, peace and more peace. Choose, decide what you will think about all day long. Will it be Peace or disharmony? Divine Ones choose to plant and cultivate peace. Nothing changes if nothing changes! Experience Peace today and everyday. “I allow the Peace that is within me to awaken and flow. As I abide in the Presence the Peace of God that reassures the heart is mine. The Peace of God in the midst of me is mighty. I am so very happy and grateful that this is so! And so it is. Amen, amen and amen.” Divine Ones Peace is the way, walk ye in it. Do this and watch... what... happens! Tomorrow we begin planting Long-suffering (patience, waiting). More tomorrow! 💖💜💖