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Perfection of Love

“Herein is our love made perfect...”. 1 John 4:17 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are reviewing Love today before we plant our next Fruit. We must do as God told Abram and move from “thy country into a new land...” Genesis 12:1. We must prepare our divine garden to receive the Fruits. Just like farmers and gardeners prepare the soil prior to planting, we must prepare our divine garden as well. We first remove the weeds that can choke our new plants. We prepare our divine gardens using denials to erase, cleanse and release negative beliefs. Remove the weeds of doubt, fear, limitations, lack. We then we use affirmations to affirm the Truth of our being. Affirm “God is Love and because I am made in God’s image, I am Love.” “Judge not by the appearance but, judge righteous judgement.” See with the eyes of your divine self. See Love everywhere. See Love in everyone. Be more loving to yourself. Plant Love and keep on planting Love. Focus, focus, focus! Prepare, prepare, prepare! Check your thoughts and beliefs about Love and make whatever adjustments needed to allow the Fruit of Love to grow. Feed it, nurture it and keep the weeds away. As we do this, Divine Ones, we are saved from ourselves! Tomorrow we begin planting the Fruit of Joy! More tomorrow! 💜❤️💜❤️

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