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Plan the Game

“For I know the plans...that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and give you a future and a hope.” JEREMIAH 29:11 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with “The Game of Life”. Today I am providing affirmative statements to use as we play The Game.

“I turn within and know that the plan for my life is good and very good. I carry with me, within me the greatest power there is. I realize that this great power works in and through me at all times. I pay close attention to the thoughts that I think and the words that I speak, for I know that thoughts become things and my words have power. I declare and decree what I want to experience in my life and see the evidence appear. I am confident and courageous and turn away from whatever does not align with Truth of my being. The Truth that I am wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God and all that God is I AM. God and I are one. I am supplied with every good that contributes to my total and complete well being. I am peaceful, serene, poised and calm. I know that the plan for my life is for an abundant flow of all that I can ever need or want. I give thanks that great avalanches of abundance are continuously flowing in my life. I give thanks that this is so. And so it is. Amen and Amen!”

More tomorrow! 💜💜💜💜

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