“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is (God) that giveth thee power to get wealth...” Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with “The Game of Life”. In our journey we must remember the Lord or the Law, spiritual law. Let’s break it down!
Remembering the Lord or Law is focusing our attention on the power within that gives the power to get wealth in every area of our lives. Our recognition of this power ignites a spark, then a flame, then a blaze of expanded awareness. Now is the appointed time. Now is the day.
Repeat the following:
“I turn quietly within to the One Presence and Power. I live, move and have my being in the One Presence and One Power. I know that as I ask it is given. I know that as I seek I find. I know that as I knock doors open. I remember the Lord of my life and know that when I call I receive answers. I am a grateful receiver. I know that the Law multiplies exceedingly according to God’s riches and glory. I and my Father are One therefore all that the Father has is mine. This all includes love, joy, peace, and wealth in great avalanches of abundance. I live in a state of joyous expectation. And so it is! Amen and Amen.
Divine Ones...as we do this...as we recognize the power and presence within... WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!!! More tomorrow 💗❤️