“He said, “Thus says the LORD, ‘Make this valley (the Arabah) full of trenches.’ “...It happened in the morning...that suddenly water came [miraculously] ...and the country was filled with water.”
2 KINGS 3:16, 20 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! Today in my morning reading I read about preparation. Preparing for our good. When we pray we should pray with a feeling of expectancy. Then we must prepare to receive. “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24.
Pray with a sense of expectancy and then prepare to receive. Act like you have received, already. In the scripture above the prayer was for rain. They were experiencing drought. Spirit said to “fill the valley with ditches”. Prepare for rain! Prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare for your good! Expect to receive what you are praying for. Dig ditches! Feel how you will feel when your good arrives. See the end achieved! So let’s say you’ve been praying for a new job. See yourself in the role, feel yourself in the role. If you’re starting a new business see yourself being successful then do the tasks that come your way. Dig the ditches!
Here is a statement that we can use “I now dig ditches deep with faith (expectancy) and understanding. My heart’s desires come to pass in surprising ways!” We must form the habit of expecting good to come to us. We must fix the ideas in our minds that we have received and move beyond what we see with our physical eyes.
“Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. So Divine Ones! I don’t know who else this message is for 😊 but I’m running with it to the finish line. Not going to let it go until it blesses me. Don’t let go until it blesses us! Alright now say it with me! I pray expecting to receive! I see my good! I dig ditches in preparation! I prepare, prepare, prepare! I do this and I AM SAVED FROM MYSELF! More tomorrow! 💜💜💜💜
“He said, “Thus says the LORD, ‘Make this valley (the Arabah) full of trenches.’ “...It happened in the morning...that suddenly water came [miraculously] ...and the country was filled with water.”
2 KINGS 3:16, 20 AMP