“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you...Rejoice, ... be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven...
Matthew 5:11-12 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are reviewing the 9th Beatitude today. First this Beatitude seems to go against everything that we have been discussing but, that is not true. “The Will of God for us is harmony, peace and joy...these things are to be obtained by cultivating right thoughts or righteousness.” (The Sermon on the Mount). We have to realize and understand that the source of persecution is us, not some outside source or person.” (The Sermon on the Mount). To revile is means to subject to abuse. Persecuting and reviling brings suffering. This practice in no way brings harmony, peace or joy. “Everything that is in our life had its beginning in our mind.” (Lessons in Truth). We make the decision to experience bondage or liberty. “I have surely seen the affliction of you who are in Egypt (darkness of ignorance) and have heard your cry by reason of your taskmasters (sickness, sorrow, poverty) and I AM come... to deliver them out of all of this suffering...” (Lessons in Truth). We have the power to change our minds and experience freedom, liberty. “Man...will grow up through various stages and by various processes to the divine our spiritual understanding where he knows that he is one with the Father, and he is free from all suffering, because he has conscious dominion over all things.” (Lessons in Truth). Dominion is supreme authority. Once we come to realize this dominion, we will no longer persecute or revile (abuse) ourselves. The Moses consciousness within us all can draw us out of bondage. In order to move from bondage to liberty we must remember our divine nature as sons of God. We must kill the Egyptian or the thought of bondage. We must be willing to change our wrong thinking by basing every thought on Truth. We must be willing to allow change to take place. The way to accomplish this is by Abiding in the Presence of God through prayer and meditation. Build your house, build your consciousness by turning within to the One. If we are working from an outer perspective only “sooner or later we realize that we have been laboring in vain. “Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it...” Psalms 127:1. Divine Ones, spend time in the Presence daily. Spend time in the Presence of the One and rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Build your house and live from the inside out and not the outside in. Divine Ones, as we move from persecution to harmony, peace and joy....we are saved from ourselves! Tomorrow we begin The Ten Commandments! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️