“Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we continue our journey with the power of Judgement. The scripture says to judge righteous judgment. Let’s break it down.
Judgement is defined as the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing. These are a part of our thinking process everyday. Most of the time we are forming an opinion or judging, based on what we see with our physical eyes 👀, or what we’ve heard either on the news or from someone else. Righteous judgment is based on spiritual understanding or spiritual awareness. Spiritual guidance from within. This type of judgement comes from “knowing” the Truth and “allowing” the Truth to set us free. Greater Spiritual awareness comes from spending time alone with God, with the Spirit within. The Spirit within is our seemingly magical guide through this life journey.
Practicing prayer and meditation every day for just a few minutes, takes us to a place of peace and quiet where our minds can rest and be still. Once we quiet our minds even a little bit, the still small voice of Spirit within becomes louder (Intuition). We begin to feel calmer and more at peace. From this space of peace, we make better choices, better decisions. We see things differently. We judge differently. Also remember that judgement has rapid fire action. The place where we are now may not be peaceful and then our judgments will not come from a space of peace.
Righteous judgment comes from an awareness of who we are really. We are spiritual beings, living in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual laws. We don’t have to know how it works just know that it works. Which can be challenging I know but, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
So Divine Ones! Let us increase our awareness of Spirit by practicing the Presence. Spend some quiet time with God. Just be still. Stop the world and get off for a time. Through this process Accept peace and your rapid-fire judgments will become peaceful, good and very good. As we do this WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow!