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Saved by Faith and Grace...

“For by grace are ye saved through faith...”. Ephesians 2:8 KJV

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 3rd Beatitude “Blessed are the Meek: for they shall inherit the earth. “ Our passage today speaks of being saved by grace through Faith. Let’s break it down! Faith in God is part of developing Meekness. Faith is “the perceiving power of the mind...the power to do the seemingly impossible... Faith is Spiritual assurance... The development of Faith... is key to spiritual realization. We must have Faith in God as our Father and source of all the good we desire. Faith is more than belief. It is the very substance of that which is believed.” (Revealing Word). We must have Faith that we have been created in the image likeness of an invisible, invincible God. (Genesis 1:26) We must have Faith that all that is true of God is true of us. As we ponder this, as we think about this, it changes our mental attitude. We said that Meekness is a mental attitude, a mental position. So let’s look further. There are two types of Faith. There is Blind Faith and Understanding Faith. Blind Faith is “an instinctive trust in a power greater than ourselves.” (Lessons in Truth). Blind Faith does is not based on spiritual principles. Understanding Faith is “Faith that functions from Principle. It is based on knowledge of Truth. It understands the law of mind action.” (Revealing Word). The Law of Mind Action is “like attracts like”. Thoughts are things; things that have a tendency to transform into our reality. “As a man thinketh...” (Lessons in Truth). In order to inherit our earth, we must have Faith that it is possible to inherit our earth. “...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23 KJV. Considering our passage, Grace is “good Will” (Revealing Word). “God’s Will for man is absolute good, perfection...” (Revealing Word). Divine Ones do you believe this? Do you have Faith in this? In order to become “The Meek” and inherit your earth (manifestation), you must think about this and make a decision. As we decide our mental position changes. Do we move forward blindly or develop our understanding? Since we have been taught to trust our physical senses this may be challenging. So Divine Ones, what’s it gonna be? Are we blind or doer see? Do you have Faith in God? Do you have Faith that God is the all good in your life? The choice is yours! More tomorrow! 💗🧡💜

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