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See Purely

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8 KJV

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Good morning Divine Ones! We are starting on the 6th Beatitude, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Let’s break it down! First, we will look at what it means to “see”. “To “see” as used here, (means) spiritual perception, spiritual perception means the capacity to apprehend (understand) the true nature of being...” (The Sermon on the Mount). The author states that “Heaven (the orderly, lawful adjustment of God’s kingdom in man’s mind, body, and affairs (Revealing Word) lies all about us...not in some distant locality in the skies, but all around us now. But because we are lacking in spiritual perception, we are unable to recognize or experience it (to the degree that we can). (The Sermon on the Mount). The reason that we study, the reason that we pray, the reason that we meditate is to “see”, to perceive or understand more of God, of Spirit. “It is one thing to “know of God but it is something entirely different to have a deeper, closer relationship with God.) (Twelve Gifts). Having a deeper, closer relationship with God, increases our perception, our understanding. “God is not (a) person, but Principle...God as Principle is absolute good expressed in all creation. God is approachable, available, and usable to all who draw nigh...” (Revealing Word). “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Job 22:21 KJV. Spend time in prayer, meditation, and the Silence in order to increase your awareness, YOUR perception of God. In yesterday’s message, we said “put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thy standest is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5. The same applies here. Put off, remove from your sight anything that stands between you and your understanding of God. Open your toolbox and cleanse your mind with denials and affirmations. Deny any belief that says God is a God of limitations. Deny any belief that says you cannot improve your sight, your awareness, your perception. Divine Ones affirm that “All that is true of God is true of me. I once was blind but now I see.” Divine Ones, do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡

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