“I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalms 16:8 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 2nd Beatitude, “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Our passage today speaks to setting the Lord always before us. Let’s break it down! Setting the Lord before us means putting God first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God...” Matthew 6:33 KJV. We seek God in this way “Seek light from the Spirit of Truth within you. Go alone. Think alone. Seek light alone, and if it does not come at once, do not be discouraged and run off to someone else to get light...” The very Spirit of Truth is at your call...Seek it. Wait patiently for it to “guide you into truth”. John 16:13” (Lessons in Truth). We are made in the image and after the likeness of God. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...” Genesis 1:26. We have dominion (supreme authority) over our thoughts and feelings. All that’s true of God is true of us. We have the wonderful power of free-will. Using our free-will, using our power of choice brings the Will of God unto our lives. The question was asked yesterday if we wanted to be comforted or if we wanted to mourn. Choose to seek God first. and we don’t have to mourn. “...Most people will not undertake the search for God wholeheartedly unless driven to do so by trouble of some kind.” (The Sermon on the Mount). If we exercise our free-will and seek God first, “the trouble need never come...”. (The Sermon on the Mount). Don’t wait for ill health, poverty and other negative experiences to come before you stand alone with your God. Seek God first and be comforted. Seek God first and have peace. Seek God first. “This lesson has to be learned and thoroughly realized before man can pass on to any experience higher than the present one.” (The Sermon on the Mount). Divine Ones...set the Lord before you. Seek God first. Pass on to greater and better experiences. Set the Lord always before you, be comforted and be not moved. Divine Ones...do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow!!💜💗💜💗