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Seeing the Door

“Open my eyes [to spiritual truth] so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law.”

PSALM 119:18 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey through “The Secret Door to Success”. The scripture today speaks of our eyes being opened to spiritual truth so that we may behold wonderful things. Let’s break it down!

Understanding spiritual laws opens our mind to higher and greater possibilities. Spiritual understanding comes as we quiet the intellect and allow the still small voice to speak through us. The intellect is the voice in our heads that requires an explanation for everything. Questions like how will this happen when I can’t see the way? Sometimes a way is made out of no way. I read recently that we habitually think the same thoughts over and over again everyday. And that 95% of what we think of today is the same as yesterday. Wow 😮!

So if we are thinking that we don’t see a way, and these thoughts are playing over and over in our mind, then we are blocking our way through the door. The awesome thing is that we can choose to break this habit and ask that our eyes be opened to spiritual truth. We must become as little children and believe that “...with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26. We must allow this thought to sink into our subconscious mind and take root. We can take this thought into our quiet time, repeating it to ourselves over and over. We can repeat it over and over when other thoughts try to crowd it out. “With God all things are possible.” Seeing is not believing; believing is seeing. We ask that our eyes be opened to spiritual truth so that we may behold wonderful things, wonderful blessings.

Divine we do this...we behold wonders in our lives...we walk through the door...AND WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💜💜

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