“...Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee,:” Luke 19:22 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey through Judgement. Our judgments should be based on spiritual guidance. Let’s break it down.
Spiritual guidance comes through the practice of prayer and meditation. Prayer and meditation takes us directly to the Source of all good. To the Source of our being, the One. Consciousness building comes through making choices based on spiritual guidance. If we are not making choices based on spiritual guidance, we “are probably in turmoil over indecision and emotional confusion.” (Twelve Gifts). Using good judgement, “exercising good Judgement is a thinking process, but drawing upon Judgement is a feeling process. The messages received from God will come through your feeling nature as a “yes” feeling or a “no” feeling. This is called Intuition. Intuition is that “first mind”. You know, you get a feeling to do or not to do something and don’t follow it and then we say “If I had only followed my first mind.” Or we follow the spiritual guidance and all us well quicker than without it. Intuition is an inner knowing. This inner knowing becomes stronger and stronger as we practice prayer and meditation on a regular basis.
Taking time to go apart and be still helps us in every part of our lives. As we spend time being quiet, being silent, ideas form in our minds that will show us how to move forward, solve a problem, invent something, create a masterpiece. So Divine Ones! Practicing Prayer and meditation on a daily basis will help us to maintain balance, be more discerning, evaluate facts and make better choices. As we use our power of Judgement with spiritual guidance, WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💕💕
Amen! 🙌🏽