“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee...”
2 Timothy
Good morning Divine Ones! WSte are continuing our journey with “The Game of Life”. This scripture says to stir up the gift of God. I prefer to say Gifts for there are several.
Let’s break it down. In our previous lessons we have studied the Twelve Gifts which we have been blessed with.
Let’s stir up these Gifts by repeating these affirmative statements. As we do this we are writing them in our subconscious minds where they take root and flourish.
“I turn now to the endless Source within. I am now writing in my subconscious mind the Truth of my being. God is the Life, Love, Power, Wisdom and substance of all creation. I am God’s creation. At every moment of time ALL of God flows through me. All of my needs are divinely met. I am divinely guided. The peace of God fills me. The Love of God saturates my entire being. I call and receive answers. I am blessed, healed and inspired. This is the day that the Lord has made and I rejoice and give thanks. I know my Faith makes we whole. I know that it is done unto me as I believe. Lord I believe in and stir up your Gifts. And so it is! Amen!”
Divine Ones as we do this...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💜💜