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Strength in Joy

Updated: Jul 29, 2019

“The Joy of the Lord is my strength...” Nehemiah 8:10

“...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah‬ ‭8:10‬ ‭

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with The Fruit of the Spirit and planting Joy in our divine garden. Joy is “the happiness of God expressed through (God’s) perfect idea - man. Joy and gladness are strength giving...” (Revealing Word). Our passage speaks to the same. Joy is “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune...” (Websters). Examine your thoughts and feelings. Are you feeling joy? If not it’s time to use your tools of Denials and Affirmations. Whatever thoughts are creating weeds in your divine garden that are preventing you from feeling Joy, it’s time to pull them up and out. Joy is the happiness of God expressed through us. We are the perfect idea of God. We are supposed to feel Joy. In the words of Kirk Franklin “if I keep on doing the things that keep on bringing me pain, there’s no one else I can blame...”. If you’re feeling doubtful...Pull out the weed of doubt...”an unsettled state of opinion...doubt is the root of weakness...” (Revealing Word). Joy is strength. Wouldn’t you rather feel strong? Pull it out! Deny the belief of doubt. If you’re feeling fearful...Pull out the weed of fear. Fear is “a painful emotion marked by alarm; dread; disquiet...” (Revealing Word). Wouldn’t you rather feel strong? If you’re tired of being doubtful and fearful pull them out! Deny the belief that these emotions have power. Then replace them by affirming “The Joy of the Lord is my strength! Don’t get stuck in how you feel. Change them! Affirm “I am joy! I am Love!” We have the power to change. Divine Ones use your power for good! Speak Joy into your life. Speak words of Joy! Seek Joy, so that you can express Joy! “The Joy of the Lord is my strength! I see Joy! I feel Joyous! God is Joy! I am Joy! I am so very happy and grateful that this is so!” Divine Ones plant Joy today...and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow! 💖💖💖

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