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Strength, Power on the Sabbath...

“[...We pray that you may be] strengthened and invigorated with all power, according to (God’s) glorious might...” Colossians 1:11 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 4th Commandment, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy...” Exodus 20:8. Our passage today speaks to being strengthened and invigorated with all power. Let’s break it down! “One of the most wonderful things about the Jesus Christ that we get rid of the distinction between the sacred and the secular...That is one of the most important steps in the whole history of the soul. The day you realize that no longer for you is there any difference between the secular and the sacred because you are realizing that everything that happens is the expression of God, that everything that has any real existence is (God) expression.” (The Ten Commandments: The Master Key to Life). Once we realize this and act as if we know, we are strengthened and invigorated. “God exists everywhere and in all things, everything that exists is the expression of God.” (The Ten Commandments: The Master Key to Life). “It is institutional religion that created the divisions of sacred and secular, and of holy days and weekdays. The church is usually a place set apart, conducted by a clergy, who are a class set apart, on the Sabbath, which is a day set apart. There is a tendency to go through the performance on Sunday, and then to put it all back into the six-day closet of unconcern.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). Divine Ones remembering the Sabbath is remembering the invisible, invincible God from whom all blessings flow. The Sabbath means rest. Rest from the chaos of the day. Rest from old ideas and old thoughts. Rest from the old consciousness the old awareness. Divine Ones, change your mind and be invigorated and strengthened. Rest, remember the true Sabbath. Divine Ones, as we do this... we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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