“Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant.” 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing with a journey with The Fruit of the Spirit. The Fruits are character building blocks that help us to expand our consciousness and express our divine potential. The first Fruit that we are planting in our divine garden is Love. “Love is the power that joins and binds in divine harmony the world and everything in it. Divine Love is impersonal; it lives for the sake of loving...” (Revealing Word). So how do we do love? What do we think about love? Can we love from an impersonal level? Can we love someone and allow them to be themselves? Or are there strings attached? You know... I love you but...Are there rules to your love? Expectations that are revealed only when they are not met? Hard questions huh? Yes, but they need to be answered as we plant Love in our divine garden. Are we planting love or planting love and weeds? As we build and expand our consciousness with Love we must realize that God is Love. And, because God is Love we are Love. We are loved with a universal, harmonizing Love. We are Love already but how are we expressing our Love. Today, Divine Ones be Loving 💜. Today make sure that the Love you show today is harmonizing. Plant seeds of Love everywhere you go. Call on Love to go before you and make smooth easy and joyous your way. Do this...and watch...what...happens! More tomorrow!💜💕💖