“The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord...your heart shall live for ever.” Psalms 22:26 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the Fruit of the Spirit and planting Meekness in our divine garden today. Our passage says the Meek shall eat and be satisfied. They shall praise the Lord. Let’s break it down! To eat in this sense is to “become conscious of the food that “abideth unto eternal life,” and use it. The food is the Word. In order to eat and be satisfied you must pray, meditate, study, read and make a decision. Do you believe? Belief is “an inner acceptance of an idea as true.” (Revealing Word). “Jesus said...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23 KJV. Do you believe that there is a power greater than yourself? Do you believe that this power is within you, leading and guiding you into your best life? Do you believe that this power is available all of the time? Read the passage and eat the words. Ingest the meaning. The Meek shall eat and be satisfied. Those who are openly teachable (meek) shall read the word, shall hear what the word is saying to them, shall take it in, shall use it, and be satisfied. Those who have Faith will eat and then will give praise. It all starts with Faith which is our foundation. “Faith is the foundation of all that man does...” (Revealing Word). It takes faith to eat the words and use what comes to us. It takes faith to examine your beliefs and use your tools of denials and affirmations. Deny any belief that says there’s a problem with your Faith. Affirm your Faith in God. Affirm your faith in the invisible, invincible power greater than ourselves. Divine Ones, the meek shall eat and be satisfied. Are you ready for the meal of a lifetime? Divine Ones eat and be satisfied. Then give praise. Do this and watch... what... happens! More tomorrow!