Good morning Divine Ones! Today I’m sending scriptures and affirmations that we can use to expand our power of Faith. Faith is our invisible power that draws to us our hearts desires. Use these to focus on the power of Faith as you walk through the Secret Door. Feel the power!
“I have all of the Faith that I need right now. I am open and receptive to all of the channels my good is flowing to me from. I give thanks and all is well.”
“I know that with Faith all things, always are possible. I allow this idea to permeate my thoughts and feelings.”
“I walk by Faith! I see through the eyes of Faith!”
“...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” Mark 9:23
“I have absolute Faith that the desires of my heart manifest right now with ease and speed. I accept them gladly.”
“I now draw from Universal Substance, with irresistible power, (Faith), and determination, that which is mine by Divine Right.” Florence Scovel Shinn - Your Word is Your Wand
“I ask and it is given, I seek and I find, I knock and doors open.”
(Paraphrased from Matthew 7:7)
“All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22
So Divine Ones! We have all the Faith that we need right now to walk through the door. Our Faith expands daily! We faithfully decree into our life experiences good only. We fully expect good to manifest right now through our Faith filled thoughts. As we exercise our power of Faith...we open the door and...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES ! More tomorrow! 💗💕💜