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The way to meet it...

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds...”.

Romans 12:2 NRSV

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 6th Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”. Our passage today speaks of being transformed by renewing our minds. Let’s break it down! “No one can hurt your character, destroy your peace of mind, or make you angry. ...if you succumb to the temptation, (to be angry, hurt, etc) it is because, either by habit or conscious choice, you have determined that this is the way you are going to meet it.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). We cannot change others or do much about what happens outside of ourselves. We can, however, work on the thoughts that we hold about what happens. “You can get a greater consciousness of love and harmony. You can “agree with your adversary” because the only true adversary is the adverse reactions to people or conditions in your mind. The word agree comes from a root word that means to be “well-minded.” When you become “well-minded” in the face of chaotic things, they will begin to dissolve.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). Some people think that others are holding them back, standing in their way. They say things like “If my boss would change things would be better. If my spouse would change. If it weren’t for this person or that company...things would be different. “As long as they think like this, they are standing in their own way. When we really catch the spirit and the Truth of “you cannot kill,” we are free to be and do what we want.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). Think about an oyster. When sand gets into its shell and it cannot remove it, it uses the irritation to produce a beautiful thing, a pearl. “Solve your irritation in a simple way: get busy pearling. Realize that the reaction proves that there is something out of order in your consciousness.” (Breaking the Ten Commandments). Use the power that you have to transform. Renew your mind by taking the time to pray, meditate and sit in the Silence. “...get to work agreeing with your adversary, knowing that the adversary is the adverse thoughts of your mind. Get back in the flow … (of the One) with a right attitude toward yourself and life. Get busy pearling. Divine Ones, as we do this...well we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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